Stock Abbreviation

DAS        (DAS Trader platformDAS is a connectivity provider for low latency order validation to the CBOE, CBSX, Nasdaq, NYSE/ARCA, BATS/Direct Edge and OTC. We provide direct market access and Service Bureau FIX connectivity to all the major exchanges and market centers via the Nasdaq and SFTI data centers.    )

ECNs        Electronic Communication Networks
EMA        Exponential Moving Average

FINRA        Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
FOMC        Federal Open Market Committe

PDT         Pattern Day Trade

R&D        Research and Development
ROCE        Return on Capital Employed
RSI            Reversal Strength Index
ROE        Return on Equity
ROI        Return on Investment
ROA        Return on Assets

SSR        Short Selling Restriction
SMA        Simple Moving Average
SEC        Securities and Exchange Commission

TWS        Trader Workstation
TSX        Toronto Stock Exchange

VWAP        Volume Weighted Average Price


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